Welcome to the web site of the GALAXY AND LARGE SCALE STRUCTURE EVOLUTION (GaLSSev) research group (Est. 2009) at Universidad de Concepción. The main research areas of GaLSSev are galaxy clusters and groups at all redshifts, the morphological transformation of galaxies, and their stellar population and star formation evolution in the history of the universe and across environments.


▲    Molecular gas properties of the main-sequence, massive Q1700-MD94 galaxy at z~2, studied with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA). [CI] and CO line emission is detected and analyzed, indicating that the global excitation properties of the molecular gas in this galaxy are similar to those of other massive, star-forming galaxies at similar redshift. Line modeling suggests the presence of molecular gas with a temperature of 41 K and a density of 8 × 103 cm-3, comparable to the high-excitation molecular gas in main-sequence, star-forming z~1 galaxies. The similar sizes of the CO(1-0) and CO(7-6) spatial distributions suggest that the highly excited molecular gas is distributed throughout the galaxy's disk and is powered by a astrong star formation. Figure taken from Henríquez-Brocal et al. (2022).

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